What a month this has been, I can't believe it is almost July:)
We had to make an emergency trip back to Michigan regarding our house. The tenant, which I've mentioned prior, left the house in despicable condition. David and I were reeling when we first set foot in the house. So much damage and not small things... All the carpeting has to be replaced, the siding on the shed "melted" (by burn barrel fire) to the wood, holes punched in doors, car parts in our swimming pool (still can't figure that one out), horse stalls destroyed and lots of dirt. God blessed us with a wonderful church family, great friends and they all pitched in along with our neighbors and helped us clean up. It took two days just to cut the lawn, which resembled a forest:) What was supposed to be a week in Michigan turned into three weeks. We have a maintenance person and a financial manager but without actually going inside no one would have suspected what we would find. It's a unplanned financial burden right now, but we are praying and relying on God for guidance. We don't want to act on emotion as moving to the next level with large court and lawyer fees is a big decision. Please help us in praying for peace and discernment.
Upon our return to Haiti we traveled to Denver, CO for my oldest son, Chads' wedding. What a wonderful day and so happy to see family from all over the US. The day was beautiful and they were married outside with the Rocky Mountains as a backdrop, breathtaking! We had a rain scare just minutes before the wedding began but it stopped and a rainbow appeared as the first notes of music began. God is so good!!! Amanda was a gorgeous bride.
The first part of the processional was unusual, the wedding party danced down the aisle to different dance tunes but then the traditional took over. Check out my facebook book page to view the pictures and the video. The family got to take in a couple Rockies games and they just happened to be playing the Detroit Tigers. What a coincidence.. It was a great occasion. At the rehearsal dinner Chad was introducing me to friends and explaining what David and I "do" now. He was telling them that 10-15 years ago I wouldn't have been seen in public unless I was totally color coordinated, I can hardly remember "that" person:) He also used the words "high maintenance" I believe... but I also heard pride in his voice and I was humbled.
Meanwhile, God has been nudging (okay pushing...) us to move on... This has been a hard decision, we have come to love the people of Haiti and admire their faith and resilience. it's been so exciting to watch the progress and to be a small part of the solution. As of late, the number of teams traveling to Haiti has decreased and funds for future building projects has slowed. Since the earthquake in Haiti, January 12, 2010, the world has unfortunately experienced many major disasters that have touched us and sent many off in a number of different directions.
Remember early last year when we were originally headed to Sierra Leone? We've been asked to jump back on the road we detoured from and continue our journey to Waterloo, Sierra Leone. The project, First Step, is a subsidiary of World Hope International. It is a economic opportunity zone which allows foreign companies to build factories, produce their products using a Sierra Leonean workforce and then ship the finished product out with import and export duty exemptions. It's a wonderful opportunity for Sierra Leone, check out the website www.firststepeoz.com. Tony Blair is involved and the president of Sierra Leone is behind the project 100%. I hear interviews surrounding the project are airing on CNN this weekend. There is so much work to be done, David will be so busy. I'll initially be assisting the local staff with various accounting and computer tasks. In my "spare" time I look forward to working with the families in the area and developing numerous community projects. I'll also be doing what I've always done, no matter what country, hosting teams. Now, for those of you who we met in Zambia and again here in Haiti, I'll be waiting for you:)
Leaving is so difficult, I will miss all the faces on my walking route, our dear friends Thony and Sarah and their darling son, Olivier and all the wonderful Haitian people we have come to know. On my walk the other day, one of the vendors stopped me and inquired where I have been (I think). He was smiling, taking a cookie package to his mouth, waving at the sky and making motions of walking. Either that or he's telling me I'm really big and fat:) I always buy my favorite coconut cookies from him. I'll need a large stash to bring home.
We feel richer for having served here and grateful for the acceptance and love the Haitian people have shown us. Please remember Haiti in your daily prayers, the new government is struggling. The president cannot move forward until he appoints a prime minister and each candidate he has presented, the house of representatives vetoes. I imagine they are from the previous administration, so this will be tough. Until a minister is in place who will then appoint others to head up various departments, education, health and welfare etc. nothing can move forward.
There are faces and places that are permanently etched in our hearts. Sometimes " I" wish we could just plant roots and STAY but God seems to be saying "not yet". This past year has been wonderful and difficult but we wouldn't trade it for anything! It will be nice to have a small home again. I will have to brush up on my cooking skills:) and immediately find a dog and a cat. I miss having pets, snakes, ants and tarantulas don't count. This past year has reinforced our understanding of the difference between wants and needs. Needs....water, food and maybe shelter. Wants....everything else! I must admit, I will NOT miss the ants :) The weather is once again extremely hot and humid and I think they are multiplying hourly, I'm under constant attack. David will need to learn how to drive within the lines.. not like Haitians anymore who love to make new lanes and forge new paths all the while weaving and dodging tap taps and motorcycles.
We are looking forward to coming back to Michigan next week for camp with our district church family. It's been four years since missions day at church camp when we got the phone call that would send us to Zambia. I can still remember standing up in front of everyone sharing how excited and scared we were...sometimes it seems like only yesterday. It will be wonderful to see so many of our friends in one location.
It's a struggle each time to "turn" the page and start anew but we are also excited about what God has in store for us... Please continue to pray that our departure from Haiti and our transition to Sierra Leone this fall will go smoothly. We hope to have time to visit with you. We thank you in advance for your continued prayer/financial support of our work, wherever it may be.
Are you ready for our next adventure???
David and Madame David :) (I think I get to use my own name in Sierra Leone, it's Beth... right?)
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