Good morning,
It's hard to believe fall is almost upon us. As I sat at the table this morning and looked out the window at 5:30 AM it was still dark and it seems just last week it was light . We had forgotten what summer and fall were like, we haven't been in the US for these seasons for four years. I love wearing jeans and sweaters and the air smells so good. The leaves on some trees are beginning to change and they are beautiful. I must say I haven't missed the poison ivy, which seems to love me, nor the household flies. In Zambia and Haiti poison ivy can't survive and although we have many bugs, common house flies don't live there. My "enemies" now consist of various sizes of crickets (and an occasional baby spider) , no challenge at all, haven't even used my weapons:) David is thrilled to have the opportunity to attend a few high school football games and live in luxury on the couch watching college games on Saturday afternoons with the TV remote control. Even as a loyal Buckeye fan I have to admit Saturday nights' Michigan vs Notre Dame game was terrific! The little things in life... We are anxiously awaiting the birth of our grandson, Dayton, hopefully he will arrive sometime in the next few weeks!
I've received the go ahead to develop a literacy program in Sierra Leone. I'm so excited. God has been reminding me of the workers we met in Sierra Leone, who came in to pick up their payroll and couldn't read or write so they drew an X or some kind of mark next to what they were told was their name. They wouldn't look me in the eye and I keep thinking they are shamed because they don't know how to write or read. As more workers and their families move to Newton (where First Step is located) the need will increase. We need your help! I know many of you are teachers or have teaching background and we are in need of teaching materials, lesson plans, books and YOU! I already have a dear friend from Wales who will be coming in the summer to help out, we met her in Zambia when she was there teaching ESL to grade school children. If you have any advice, web addresses or companies we should research please let me know. I see a trip to Sierra Leone in your future!
I've realized in just a few short months we have been spoiled...flushing toilets, running water and electricity everywhere. I remember the day when those were things I felt somewhat "entitled" to, now I realize they are luxuries that few other countries share with us. The other thing I have noticed is the seeming lack of social graces. I am baffled by younger people calling me honey and dear in restaurants, stores and drive thrus. David has helped me structure a comeback "I'm sure you meant no harm but when you call me hon (or dear) I am offended". I can't say that before we left for the field I even noticed this but it's glaringly apparent to me now. In many foreign countries these behaviors are strictly taboo. "Elders" are treated with the utmost respect whether they are five years or fifty years older than you. I must say I like that custom and miss it.
Very excited to open my email today and see the quarterly newsletter from World Hope. The newsletter included a article on First Step. It's so exciting to realize not only are jobs created building factories but all the fruit farmers now have a new market to sell their mangos and pineapples. To quote the World Hope CEO "the best way to alleviate poverty is to be a supportive guide rather than a temporary crutch". Check out the newsletter at
We have been blessed with funds to send another four barrels to Sierra Leone this month. They are packed with food stuffs, household items, knitting and sewing supplies (including a sewing machine) and the beginning of what I hope will be many teaching aids. We are now only $4500 away from being 100% funded!! That's only $375 per month in pledges or cash donations. Please continue to pray for additional funding! It's exciting to think, with your help, in one month we could be in Sierra Leone.
God continues to provide for all our needs and we feel so honored to be doing his work. He's been leading me to read the book of Isaiah and chapter 58 has really resounded in our lives. We need to continue to try to do the next right thing remembering vs 8 "...your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you...". Thank you for traveling this journey with us, we can't wait to begin!!!
Beth and David
If you wish to make a contribution here is the information:
World Hope International
Attn: Contributions Lockbox
P O Box 17151
Baltimore, MD 21297-1151
Please remember to enter our name and constituent number 28163 on the memo line of your check. You may also donate by credit/debit card and if you have questions please call 1-888-466-4673 and ask for donor services. The quickest way to donate directly to our account is on-line at Thank you!
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